Today medical treatment is becoming expensive and often come unannounced. Therefore, to secure your finances and saving, it is safe to take a health insurance cover. It is essential to verify the insurance eligibility and benefits of patients before services are provided. Failing to do eligibility verification will leave an unpaid claim by the insurance company.  It will make the patient unable to pay their bill promptly.


A Healthcare Insurance Eligibility verification services describes who can provide what care of medical services under what circumstances. It ensures patient's eligibility before the medical care is given to them. This verification service will increase the revenue and reduce patient's unnecessary expense in medical. Significantly this will minimise the impact of claims denial due to ineligibility. In the current situation, unfortunately, patient insurance eligibility verification is the one most neglected practice in the revenue cycle in majority cases.

Offshore Medical Coding Services
Strict and firm methodologies along with various tools are used to identify the patient coverage benefits. Data are collected basing upon accurate information on deductibles, co-pays and co-Insurance. The expert verification teams provide specific payer eligibility and benefits to be given in real time. Accessing online verification portal is the core part of this process. At the same time, Eligibility verification service includes speaking to the insurance company. Offshore Medical Billing is an international based billing company that has adopted Healthcare Insurance Eligibility verification service. It's flawless service is helping the patients in a greater extent.
This verification service ensures all healthcare services given are reimbursed in time. The financial responsibility to patients is well educated before they visit the respective office. This mechanism mainly helps the physician's office in increasing their upfront collections in saving their staff and billers time. It makes them free from write off collection somehow which is time-consuming. The report produced by the verification service is accurate that gives detailed necessary information. It is found that if there is proper verification done both online and offline the result will end with no claims from any patients.

Benefits of Eligibility Verification Process-

The major advantage of this Eligibility Verification Process is that it reduces administrative costs to some extent. By giving proper information to the patients after going through Healthcare Insurance, Eligibility verification service will reduce claim rejections significantly resulting restricts denial too. This increases up front collections to a marginal level and educates patients about out-of-the-pocket expenses. Hence, it leads to better productivity. Verifying the insurance eligibility by a proficient offshore medical billing partner increases patient's profit rate.

Outsourcing Medical Billing Companies in USA


Co-pay is known as the portion of the medical bill that is a patient's responsibility and part to pay. For example, if your co-insurance is 70/30, that means your insurance company will pay for 70 percent of your visit or procedure while you pay the remaining 30 percent.
Learning the need and advantage of Eligibility verification service will help both health care provider and patients a lot. It will gradually decrease the claims and complaint caused to verification negligence. Most insurance companies provide the key to understand this process that renders accurate information. Among these enterprises, Offshore Medical Billing based in the USA is providing excellent service. All new and returning patients should carry their insurance identification card while visiting hospital. 


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